

27 Health and Nutrition Tips That Are Actually Evidence-Based

It’s easy to get confused when it comes to health and nutrition. Even qualified experts often seem to hold opposing opinions, which can make...

12 Possible Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting (IF), one of the most talked about diets right now, is a way of eating that designates periods of time for eating and for fasting. And...

9 Bad Eating Habits and How to Break Them

Nighttime snacking, emotional eating, junk-food binges — sound familiar? Break these common bad eating habits for quick weight loss results.Medically ReviewedFacebookTwitterPinterestCopy Link It’s not just...

Study: Vitamin D Deficiency May Increase Risk for Addiction to Opioids, Ultraviolet Rays

Fisher and his colleagues hypothesized that people may look for the UVB type of UV light because they are unaware of their need for...

How does sleep affect your heart rate?

Even if you don't wear a smartwatch or fitness band to track your heart rate, you can often sense your pulse fluctuating throughout the...

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